Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hostels of Talkeetna

 Talkeetna Trip #1
House of Seven Trees Hostel
North Main Street
Talkeetna, AK
(907) 733-7733

Trip #1 to Talkeetna involved the first time I didn't make reservations at a hotel or hostel.  Going outside my comfort zone. Scary. I always worry I'll show up and not be able to find a place to stay.  Then what do you do? I lucked out and did find a place to stay.  The Hostel is located on the main drag of Talkeetna next to Mountain High Pizza. The main house (blue house) has the private rooms, bathrooms, common areas, and fully stocked kitchen.  The dorm room is in the back called Ye Olde Bunque Haus.  In between the two buildings is a bbq and outdoor sitting area.  The main building is really clean and well maintained. The two bathrooms have fluffy white towels for guests use.  I stayed in the Bunque Haus.  Cost $25 per night, cash only.

Walking around the main building to find the Bunque Haus was eye opening.  I had never stayed in a co-ed dorm-style room before.  It was nothing like what I expected.  I guess I should have expected it though.  It was the middle of mountaineering Alaska.  No locks on the door. Rustic looking. No bathroom. No heat. At least the beds were comfortable.  When the door was shut, the room was warm enough.  After my second stay in Talkeetna, I realized locks are not a necessity in this small town.

Best Features: location, clean main house, available amenities
Improvements: locking door or secured storage area
Would I stay here again: Yes as long as it is warm enough

Talkeetna Trip #2
Talkeetna Hostel International 
 22159 S I St
Talkeetna, AK
(907) 733-4678

This hostel is by far the most interesting hostel I have stayed in.  Don't be fooled by the photo on their website.  The photo above is from September 2014.  This is what the property really looks like.  Even though the walk to the hostel and the outside of the property is scary and odd looking, the inside is cozy and relatively clean considering the majority of the long term guests are men.  The inside is like any other typical ranch house.  There are several bedrooms.  I only saw the one I stayed in.  I'm not sure if it was co-ed or not because I was the only guest in that room.  The common area had a tv with cable and a woodburning fireplace.  I didn't use the kitchen but it was large and appeared to have useful supplies.  Outside the house are several different types of camping available.  Vans, campers, outbuildings, and tent sites to rent.

The hostel is located on the far side of town.  A little bit of a walk but not too far from the main section of Talkeetna with the restaurants and bars. Follow the signs. Keep going. You will eventually reach it. Walking down I Street, I thought for sure I missed it and was walking into something I would regret.  I didn't.  My imagination was running away with me.  The place wasn't that bad.  Be cautious if you need to shower and leave by a certain time.  There is only one bathroom for all guests use.  Luckily the hot water supply lasted for everyone in line and towels were free. This hostel didn't have locks on anything either.  Common trend perhaps in rural Alaska?  $25 per night, cash only.

Best Features: warm fireplace, wifi
Improvements: another bathroom, clean up the outside area, lockable private storage
Would I stay here again: Yes if other options are not available