Apparently moving to a new city sucks the writing desire out of me. Time to remedy that situation. New cities and jobs require so much time and energy because there is so much to do! I love it. In the past year, I've made Chicago my new home. It took me almost a full year to realize I'm a resident now and not a visitor. Time for me to start acting like I live here. Right? Well, maybe not. I'm only staying another year, then I'm outta here. I guess that means I need to learn to incorporate my writing desire with my travel desire and figure out how to make it work.
I think one of the biggest reasons I haven't written here or on my other blog is the lack of desk in my living space. I like writing at a desk or table, one in front of a tv, preferably. Today, I'm coming at ya from my local Starbucks. I think this will be my new writing place. However, multiple trips to Starbucks will be hard on the pocket. Maybe a weekly mass writing session will be the trick.
Now I need to figure out the direction I want to take this blog. I have many ideas rattling around in my head. I like writing about the places I go but not sure if I want this blog to be considered a review blog. Guess it doesn't really matter as long as I'm writing and expressing myself. That's the whole point of blogs, right?